How to choose the most suitable toner for your skin type?

Every week we receive numerous inquiries about the criteria to apply when choosing the right tone (light, medium or dark) to cover the white patches caused by vitiligo. Here are a few guidelines.

Our range of Tanvitil toners, available in gel and spray, allows you to cover the patches which vitiligo produces on the skin. For optimum results, you should choose the tone best suited to your skin type: light for fair skin (phototypes I and II), medium for skins between the extremes (phototypes III and IV) and dark for dark brown skins (phototypes V and VI).

Skin typeCharacteristics
Phototype IVery pale skin (red hair) which always burns, never tans
Phototype IISensitive fair skin (blond or fair hair) which almost never tans
Phototype IIIIntermediate skins (brown) which initially redden and then tan
Phototype IVDark skins which tan quickly (brown or black hair)
Phototype VModerately pigmented skins (Mexicans, Asians and others)
Phototype VIVery dark skins (Sub-Saharan Africans, Indigenous Australians, ‘black’ skin)

The toner masks and shades the white patches caused by vitiligo with a skin tone similar to the rest of the skin. In order to achieve this, it is very important that you apply the product properly once you have chosen the most suitable tone.

Both with the gel and the spray, you should use petroleum jelly to outline the border of the patch which you wish to mask in order to prevent the product from coming into contact with areas that you do not want to colour. Then apply the gel with the brush or the spray with the applicator, and leave to dry.

Tanvitil treatments are very easy to use and show visible results from the very first application. The colour appears 3 to 4 hours after application. Treatment should be repeated every day, but no more than once a day, until the desired tone is achieved, after which the product can be applied less frequently in order to maintain the colour.

The colour lasts about 72 hours, but if you keep your skin moisturised every day, it will last longer.

When you notice that it is starting to fade, use TANVITIL LIGHT to restore the desired tone.


Maquillaje enmascarador del vitíligo

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